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Unit one lesson one (the speed)
Unit one lesson two graphic representation
Unit two lesson one (the mirror)
درس ال mirror كله شرح
01:35:06مراجعة شاملة على unit one
00:24:53Unit two lesson two (the lenses)
00:22:26Revision unit two مراجعة على
00:39:18Unit two lesson two (the lenses part 2)
00:17:16Unit three the universe part 1
00:18:16Unit three كاملة (the universe)
00:26:23Recision on unit two
00:39:18The cell division part 2
00:28:11تلخيص درس cell division
00:24:29Cell division part 3
00:11:47Revision on unit two
00:39:18Revision unit three
00:37:12Revision unit four
00:37:12Revosion on unit three
00:15:09مسائل lesson 1
حل مسائل على lesson 2
باقى مسائل lesson 2
حل worksheet 2
مسائل على درس mirror
تدريب على طريقة رسم درس mirror
طريقة حل رسومات mirror بالخطوات
00:22:37طريقة مبسطة بالاغانى لحل مسائل mirror
00:09:51Worksheet 8 فى المعاصر
00:08:27Worksheet 9
00:08:23The lenses طريقة حل مسائل العدسات
00:33:19حل مسائل the lenses part two
00:17:16General excercise 1 on unit two
00:10:19General exams on unit two حل كتاب المدرسة على اليونيت التانى
00:07:53General exams on unit two حل كتاب المدرسة على اليونيت التانى
00:07:53Worksheet 11
00:05:28Worksheet 11
00:07:30Worksheet 12
00:05:21General on unit three